Election days used to always be one of my favorite days, because my daddy would give me his sticker. Today, though I voted for the very first time myself. I felt very accomplished to get my very own sticker(and to vote of course).
I try not to write about my running, its kinda of a pet peeve of mine. I love to run; but try not to brag on myself too much:) I was running today though; and got to thinking how much i love running with my dog. He reminds me how to run, and why I run. He runs wild and free; exploring everything and taking it all in. He runs without time restraints. Most of all though he runs because he loves me.
I never thought I would stoop down to that level....but I did. The other day I was driving around in my '92 Nissan truck and, noticed that someone had put a perfectly fine very used Lazyboy beside the road. My sister and I picked it up, just like we have seen my father do on countless occasions.I brought it home, and posted it on craigslist.com. This "piece of junk" earned me $15. So there....i confess, I sold someone's trash.
I LOVE coffee, it's true. My sister gave me my first coffee drink; and I didn't like it. I drank it though, because I wanted to make her happy.So I tried it a second time and like it:) Now I love it; I think I could drink it everyday I (don't, I would rather not get addicted to caffeine). So when I got a job working at a coffee shop; I was thrilled to death; So excited to start.