Thursday, September 10, 2015

Did I do anything that mattered today? I struggle living missionally knowing that each day matters. Each day I'm making an impact on someone...good or bad. Did I make someone feel used and unimportant today; or did I make them feel special and unique. It's my choice how I react to situations everyday. (at least thats what I tell my students)

The other day a student shared a burden with me. I was completely at loss of how to react and what exactly to say or do. I cannot understand her pain and it would only dimish it if I said I know how she feels. So, we sat there together and cried for her hurt. Her heart was broken and my heart broke for her.

Somedays, the most important thing I can do for those babies that come to me everyday is to love them, unconditionally, despite everything. Even after they yell, curse, scream...and defy me. I do love them and my heart so goes out to each of their situations. They can't control their lives beyond themselves, but they can make choices for a better tomorrow.

We aren't defined by our circumstances, but we are defined by our choices. I can't control situations/circumstances I am put in, but I can control my reaction to them.


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