21 things.....

Twenty-one things to do before I turn twenty-one....
1. read the Bible in Spanish
2. Hike overnight on the Appalaction Trail
3. read Pride and Prejudice
4. Run a 1/2 marathon
5. Drive a stick shift anywhere in town
6. Make an ice box cake with my grandma
7. go to the Alhambra Theatre
8. Stargaze viv and I stayed up half the night on her trampoline gazing at the heavens:)
9. Learn how to swing dance
10. See the leaves change in the North
11. Attend a concert at Murray Hill Theatre
12. Be a translator on a Misions Trip
13. Return to Africa
14. read a CS Lewis book (finished "Mere Christianity")
15. purchase some red high heels my sister bought them for me:)
16. read "Redeeming Love" LOVED IT!
17. Buy a car i haven't exactly paid my parents back for it yet....
18. buy some cowboy boots double check!!
19. Sleep under the stars
20. go to the zoo
21. Sprint Triathlon
Go on a road trip cross United States with Danielle Homsher :)
ReplyDeletethats an idea.....